If you like games with Tux the Linux Penguin, there are *plenty*
to choose from!
Here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:
Tux the Penguin: A Quest for Herring
A 3D third-person perspective exploration/arcade game similar in
feel to Mario-64 on N64. Also stars Gown.
TuxRacer -
A 3D downhill snowboarding game - but without the snowboard.
Pingus -
A 2D game where you rescue suicidal Penguins - similar to Lemmings.
SuperTux (Revenge in Redmond) -
A 2D platform/side-scroller similar in feel to Super Mario Bros
on SNES. Gown makes a brief appearance at the start.
TuxTyping -
A 2D typing tutor with a couple of games that star Tux.
XTux -
A 2D shootem up - has both Tux *and* a shock-pink Gown.
Al Pengo -
A 2D arcade game similar to PacMan.
I'm not sure if the penguin in this game is supposed to be Tux - but we'll
give them the benefit of the doubt!
Black Penguin -
A 2D jump-on-the-cubes game similar to Qbert. This penguin looks even less
like Tux than the one in Al Pengo...but I think it's supposed to be Tux.
Defendguin -
A 2D side-scrolling space shootem up similar to Defender -
rescue the cute 'Penguinoids'.
Xpenguins -
A desktop toy using the characters from Pingus.
Ace of Penguins -
A collection of card games where Tux appears on all the 'face' cards.
katchit -
A 2D arcade game - escape baddies to reach the Penguin.